La Leyenda de Copil
Through the interpretation of the Codex Ramirez disclosed this legend, at a time when the Mexican pilgrimage was nearing completion.
It is said that a sorceress who left the group separated Mexica had a son named Copil-aged, it told his son about the grievance that the god Huitzilopochtli had done, distressed and angry Copil vows to avenge his mother.
Copil has news that the Mexican army was on the hill of Chapultepec, then it was rumored by all nations who were already settled, they destroyed and killed Mexica generation, being called pernicious men, bellicose tyrants bad and wicked ways that he knew well.
Given these rumors, people started to fear them as the Aztecs and determined to kill them and destroy them all.
For this, Copil with malice aforethought, climbs a hill which is next to the lagoon of Mexico where the hot springs [and that in times of Spanish is called the yardarm] plotting his revenge and claim, the god Huitzilopochtli, angrily called his priests and ordered them to Peñol where Copil would find the traitor, who killed him and take his heart, when he was brought before Huitzilopochtli, commanded to enter one of the "instructors" for the lagoon and throw it in the middle of a cane who was there.
It is believed that the heart which threw born tunal which was built later date after Mexico City and in the place where he died Copil the yardarm, hot springs sprouted called Acopilco which means Place of the waters of Copil.
Copil's death provoked a bloody battle ...
A través de la interpretación del códice Ramírez se da a conocer esta leyenda, en un momento en que el peregrinaje mexica estaba a punto de concluir.
Through the interpretation of the Codex Ramirez disclosed this legend, at a time when the Mexican pilgrimage was nearing completion.
It is said that a sorceress who left the group separated Mexica had a son named Copil-aged, it told his son about the grievance that the god Huitzilopochtli had done, distressed and angry Copil vows to avenge his mother.
Copil has news that the Mexican army was on the hill of Chapultepec, then it was rumored by all nations who were already settled, they destroyed and killed Mexica generation, being called pernicious men, bellicose tyrants bad and wicked ways that he knew well.
Given these rumors, people started to fear them as the Aztecs and determined to kill them and destroy them all.
For this, Copil with malice aforethought, climbs a hill which is next to the lagoon of Mexico where the hot springs [and that in times of Spanish is called the yardarm] plotting his revenge and claim, the god Huitzilopochtli, angrily called his priests and ordered them to Peñol where Copil would find the traitor, who killed him and take his heart, when he was brought before Huitzilopochtli, commanded to enter one of the "instructors" for the lagoon and throw it in the middle of a cane who was there.
It is believed that the heart which threw born tunal which was built later date after Mexico City and in the place where he died Copil the yardarm, hot springs sprouted called Acopilco which means Place of the waters of Copil.
Copil's death provoked a bloody battle ...
A través de la interpretación del códice Ramírez se da a conocer esta leyenda, en un momento en que el peregrinaje mexica estaba a punto de concluir.
Se dice que una hechicera que dejaron separada del grupo mexica tenía un hijo llamado Copil de edad madura; ésta le contó a su hijo sobre el agravio que el dios Huitzilopochtli le había hecho, apenado y con enojo Copil promete vengar a su madre.
Copil tiene noticia de que el ejército mexica estaba en el cerro de Chapultepec, entonces corrió el rumor por entre todas las naciones que ya estaban asentadas, de que destruyeran y mataran a la generación de mexicas, por ser supuestos hombres perniciosos, belicosos, tiranos de malas y perversas costumbres que conocía muy bien él.
Ante estos rumores, lo pobladores empezaron a temerles a los mexicas y determinaron matarlos y destruirlos a todos.
Para ésto, Copil de forma premeditada, se sube a un cerro que esta junto a la laguna de México en donde están las fuentes de agua caliente [y que en épocas de los españoles se llamara el PEÑOL] planeando su venganza y pretensión; el dios Huitzilopochtli, muy enojado llamó a sus sacerdotes y ordenó que fueran al Peñol en donde hallarían al traidor de Copil, que lo mataran y llevaran su corazón; cuando éste fue presentando ante Huitzilopochtli, mandó que entrara uno de los "ayos" por la laguna y lo arrojara en medio de un cañaveral que allí estaba.
Se cree que del corazón que se arrojó nació el tunal donde despúes se construyó la Ciudad de México, así como que en el lugar en donde murió Copil en el peñol, brotaron fuentes de agua caliente que llaman Acopilco que quiere decir Lugar de las aguas de Copil.
La muerte de Copil, provocó una sangrienta batalla...
MÉXICO A TRAVÉS DE LOS SIGLOS. Chavero, Alfredo. 9a. ed. T.I. México: Ed. Cumbre, 1972. p.p 496 y 497.
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ResponderEliminarHola Paul, me agrada tu clip...has leído la leyenda desde este blog?
Eliminargracias por tu trabajo.
gracias por compartir tu clip eso ayuda a ilustrar la vida de Copil...dime has leído los temas de este blog, qué te han parecido?