It was incorporated as a common home big houses and they established a kind of patriarchy.It was customary for parents were entering the marital bond, choosing the parties at an early age during the wait they were not treated.
To formalize the marital bond had no special ceremonies to be held, as at present, for it possessed parents any day that is fixed by the priest, and that day was a sign that could be favorable for the celebration of the link.
It was on a party that delivered to the daughter, if it along with her fiancé held hands, were married immediately and she could choose to stay at home if you belonged or went to the husband.
Until then the girl wearing a shell around the neck as a sign of their status (single status) handed it to her husband.
The teacher writes Chavero in Xila Region stood to which they were getting married, men on one side, women on the other, to a signal first ran these and the other behind, should reach each taking the woman for the left breast, being made marriage.
The Nahuas practiced polygamy as long as properties for each woman had to take, this practice was restricted only to the lords.
The rest of the men were limited and required to have only one woman, because they could not afford more responsibilities.
For women who did not reach pure marriage, was different from today; believed that this culture could be repudiated in disgrace and that the husband could freely express their rejection, if there were children involved they could choose between following the father or mother.
The woman, according to this culture, only the children procreated and attended domestic needs, in addition to practicing rites taught by their mothers since childhood.
For example learning to spin cotton, weave linen, using tools for food preparation and grinding corn, used looms and elaborated costumes and headdresses.
The Pimas or Ootoma called, got dressed tanned, cotton blankets embodied painted [color flesh] and yellow.
The men wore tunics to knee or cotton fur and blankets. Instead women wore cotton shirt or blouse and petticoat "cuéyetl" that reached the ankle.
Men and women used long hair cut only when they were in mourning.
Men adorned his head with colored feathers and women braided their hair touched by combinations.
Men also wore beads in the nose and women blue shell necklaces, shells and stones.
The children were educated, according to the activities that are devoted parents.
The children of the warriors were developing games for which they temper his character, were given gymnastic technique for fitness, sometimes practiced hunting to generate skills and train in the use of the bow, but also to teach to survive in times of war.
It was incorporated as a common home big houses and they established a kind of patriarchy.It was customary for parents were entering the marital bond, choosing the parties at an early age during the wait they were not treated.
To formalize the marital bond had no special ceremonies to be held, as at present, for it possessed parents any day that is fixed by the priest, and that day was a sign that could be favorable for the celebration of the link.
It was on a party that delivered to the daughter, if it along with her fiancé held hands, were married immediately and she could choose to stay at home if you belonged or went to the husband.
Until then the girl wearing a shell around the neck as a sign of their status (single status) handed it to her husband.
The teacher writes Chavero in Xila Region stood to which they were getting married, men on one side, women on the other, to a signal first ran these and the other behind, should reach each taking the woman for the left breast, being made marriage.
The Nahuas practiced polygamy as long as properties for each woman had to take, this practice was restricted only to the lords.
The rest of the men were limited and required to have only one woman, because they could not afford more responsibilities.
For women who did not reach pure marriage, was different from today; believed that this culture could be repudiated in disgrace and that the husband could freely express their rejection, if there were children involved they could choose between following the father or mother.
The woman, according to this culture, only the children procreated and attended domestic needs, in addition to practicing rites taught by their mothers since childhood.
For example learning to spin cotton, weave linen, using tools for food preparation and grinding corn, used looms and elaborated costumes and headdresses.
The Pimas or Ootoma called, got dressed tanned, cotton blankets embodied painted [color flesh] and yellow.
The men wore tunics to knee or cotton fur and blankets. Instead women wore cotton shirt or blouse and petticoat "cuéyetl" that reached the ankle.
Men and women used long hair cut only when they were in mourning.
Men adorned his head with colored feathers and women braided their hair touched by combinations.
Men also wore beads in the nose and women blue shell necklaces, shells and stones.
The children were educated, according to the activities that are devoted parents.
The children of the warriors were developing games for which they temper his character, were given gymnastic technique for fitness, sometimes practiced hunting to generate skills and train in the use of the bow, but also to teach to survive in times of war.
Estaba constituida como el hogar común de las casas grandes y en ellas se establecía un tipo de patriarcado.
Era costumbre que los padres concertaban el enlace matrimonial, eligiendo a los contrayentes a muy temprana edad; durante la espera éstos no se trataban.
Para formalizar el enlace matrimonial no había ceremonias especiales para su celebración, como en la actualidad; para ello los padres disponían de cualquier día que se fijara por el sacerdote, ya que ese día tenía un signo que podía ser favorable para la celebración del enlace.
Se realizaba una fiesta en la que entregaban a la hija, si ésta junto con su prometido se tomaban de las manos, quedaban casados inmediatamente y ella podía elegir quedarse en la casa si le pertenecía o se iba a la del marido.
Hasta ese momento la doncella que llevaba pendiente del cuello una concha como señal de su estado (de soltería) se la entregaba a su marido.
El maestro Chavero escribe que en la Región de Xila se colocaba a los que se iban a casar, hombres por un lado,mujeres por el otro; a una señal corrían primero éstas y los otros detrás, debían alcanzarlas tomando cada uno a la mujer por la tetilla izquierda, quedando hecho el matrimonio.
Los NAHOAS practicaban la poligamia siempre y cuando tuvieran propiedades para cada mujer que tomaran, esta práctica se restringía solo para los señores principales.
El resto de los hombres estaban limitados y obligados a tener solo una mujer, porque no podían solventar más responsabilidades.
En el caso de las mujeres que no llegaban puras al matrimonio, era distinto a la actualidad; esta cultura consideraba que podía ser repudiada con ignominia y que el marido podía expresar su repudio libremente; si había hijos de por medio éstos podían elegir entre seguir al padre o a la madre.
La mujer, según esta cultura, solo procreaba a los hijos y atendía las necesidades domésticas, además de practicar ritos propios enseñados por sus madres desde su infancia.
Por ejemplo aprendían a hilar algodón, a tejer lienzos, a usar instrumentos para la preparación de alimentos y de moler el maíz, usaban los telares y elaboraban trajes y tocados.
Los llamados Pimas u Ootoma, se vestían de pieles curtidas, de mantas de algodón pintadas de encarnado [color carne] y amarillo.
Los hombres, usaban túnicas a la rodilla de pieles o algodón, así como mantas. En cambio las mujeres usaban camisa o huipil de algodón y enagua de "cuéyetl" que llegaba al tobillo.
Hombres y mujeres utilizaba el cabello largo que solo cortaban cuando estaban de luto.
Los hombres adornaban su cabeza con plumas de colores y las mujeres trenzaban el pelo haciendo combinaciones de tocados.
Los hombres también usaban canutillos en la nariz y las mujeres collares de conchas azules, caracoles y piedras preciosas.
Los niños eran educados, según las actividades a las que se dedicaran sus padres.
A los hijos de los guerreros los hacían desarrollar juegos para que se les templara su carácter, se les daba técnica en ejercicios gimnásticos para su preparación física, a veces practicaban la cacería para generar destrezas y adiestrarlos en el manejo del arco, pero también para enseñarles a sobrevivir en casos de guerra.
- HISTORIA DE LOS INDIOS DE LA NUEVA ESPAÑA. de Benavente, Toribio Fr. en Colección "sepan cuantos...".n°129. 5a. ed. México. Porrúa. 1990. p.p.159-162.
- MÉXICO A TRAVÉS DE LOS SIGLOS.Historia Antigua y de la Conquista. Chavero Alfredo. 9a. ed. México. Cumbre. T. primero. 1972. p.p. 77-138.
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